For the third year, Florida Drupalcamp is excited to announce OSTraining, a professional Drupal training company, is presenting the Drupal 7 Beginner Track!

Headquartered in Florida, OSTraining has teachers located across North America and England. The company is led by CEO and founder Steve Burge, author of the best-selling Drupal book, Drupal 7 Explained: Your Step-by-Step Guide.

The Drupal 7 Beginner track will be a continuous session that runs throughout Saturday. Stay in the Drupal 7 Beginner track all day to get up-and-running with Drupal.

  • Introduction to Drupal: What? Who? When? Why?

  • Installing Drupal and navigating the Drupal interface

  • Understanding Drupal content, content types and fields

  • Choosing and configuring modules

  • Choosing and configuring themes

  • Using Views, the most important module in Drupal

  • Creating custom layouts with Panels and Display Suite

Attendees are welcome to follow along during the class. You will need a laptop with Acquia’s Dev Desktop installed.